Missy's Hope Equine Rescue Resource 



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Our Programs:

The Chey/Annie Project

The Chey/Annie Project Fundraisers

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Horses for Adoption 2 (New 11/17/2010)

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There Is A Viable Alternative To Equine Slaughter

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Articles Relating To Equine Blindness

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The Chey/Annie Project Past Fundraisers

To learn more about The Chey/Annie Project and where the funds from these fundraisers will go, please visit the Chey/Annie Project Page.

Past Fundraisers:

Original Charcoal Drawing Sold by a local Nebraska artist on Ebay


Sold For $31.01


The Chey/Annie Project General Fund:

A collection of sterling silver bracelet charms!


Horse Charm:

This is a sterling silver bracelet charm that is in the shape of a Horse.  It is approximately 1 inch in length and ½ inch in width.  The charm comes in a small plastic baggie for its protection.  This will make a wonderful Christmas gift for the horse lover that you know!

Sold For:  $22.50




Riding Crop

This is a sterling silver bracelet charm that is in the shape of a Riding Crop.  It is approximately 1 inch in length.  The charm comes in a small plastic baggie for its protection.  This will make a wonderful Christmas gift for the horse lover that you know!

Sold for: $6.49


Hoof Pick

This is a sterling silver bracelet charm that is in the shape of a Hoof Pick.  It is approximately ¾ inch in length and ¼ inch in width.  The charm comes in a small plastic baggie for its protection.  This will make a wonderful Christmas gift for the horse lover that you know!

Sold For: $2.75

Total Raised for the General Fund:  $31.74 minus $3.73 (Ebay fees.) for a total of $28.01.



The Chey/Annie Project Massachusetts fund:

A collection of sterling silver bracelet charms!


Horse Shoe:

This is a sterling silver bracelet charm that is in the shape of a Horseshoe.  It is approximately ¾  inch in length and ½ inch in width.  The charm comes in a small plastic baggie for its protection.  This will make a wonderful Christmas gift for the horse lover that you know!

Sold For:  $1.75




This is a sterling silver bracelet charm that is in the shape of a Stirrup.  It is approximately ¾ inch in length and ½ inch in width.  The charm comes in a small plastic baggie for its protection.  This will make a wonderful Christmas gift for the horse lover that you know!

Sold For: $5.56



Snaffle Bit:

This is a sterling silver bracelet charm that is in the shape of a Snaffle Bit.  It is approximately ¾ inch in length and ¼ inch in width.  The charm comes in a small plastic baggie for its protection.  This will make a wonderful Christmas gift for the horse lover that you know!

Sold For: $10.06

Total Raised for the Massachusetts Fund:  $17.37 minus $1.87 (Ebay fees.) for a total of $15.50.




fundraiser 3 pet xstitch.JPG (26838 bytes)

Ended October 3rd.  Thank you to Kassy H.of NY for the purchase of this cross stitch picture.  The purchase price was $16.51 (minus $1.44 for Ebay fees). 


New York Special Fundraiser (Ended):

We had two bracelets donated by Horsefly Creations of Fishs Eddy, NY specifically donated for the New York Chey/Annie Project.  The bracelets each had sterling silver findings with genstone beads.  They also had sterling silver charms!  These bracelets were designed by the 12 year old daughter of the owner of Horsefly Creations. 

NY CheyAnnie Project Bracelets.jpg (34889 bytes)

Congratulations and Thank you to Nancy R. of NY who was the high bidder at $25.

darker bracelet.jpg (21351 bytes)

This is the darker of the two bracelets.  The top bead is a turquoise color and sits on top of a small sterling silver heart shaped charm.  The charm sits above a bead that reminds me of an opal.  It is absolutely stunning!  The hair that it is made from is black in color.  It is 7 1/2 inches long from clasp to clasp.   This photo just does not do this bracelet justice (Boy I need a new camera. lol)

This bracelet sold for $19.50 (minus $3.16 Ebay fees) on Ebay to Allison A.  Thank you Allison!!!

lighter bracelet 2.jpg (16809 bytes)      light bracelet 1 new.JPG (11759 bytes)     light bracelet 3 new.JPG (14281 bytes)    

This is the lighter of the two bracelets.  The bead is a beautiful blue bead approximately 1/4 of an inch in size with a sterling sliver open heart attached at the bottom.  The bead istself is just gorgeous!  The hair that it is made from is a lighter brown, almost a dark flaxen color.  It is just shy of 8 inches from clasp to clasp.  This photo just does not do this bracelet justice (Boy I need a new camera. lol)


Horsefly Creations bracelets can be custom made with your horse's hair (see our Equine Services page to see the ones made for me from Missy's hair). 

You can contact Jennifer Brock at brockstables@yahoo.com

or through

Horsefly Creations

PO Box 171

Fishs Eddy, NY 13774

Custom bracelets are $12 each. 



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